About Base

The Brutus Base foundation was established to preserve Van Lieshout’s oeuvre for posterity and to display it in varying combinations with among others the Pro Brutus Collection. The art is exhibited in a maze-like area. The crawl-through-sneak-through route leads to hidden treasures and exciting surprises. The design changes continuously, so there is always something new to discover at Brutus Base.

Describing Joep van Lieshout as an obsessive artist would be the understatement of the century. Since enrolling at art school at the age of 16, he has created works of art at a rapid pace, ranging from drawings, machines and furniture to sculptures and gigantic installations. He initially operated under his own name, but soon started working under the monicker Atelier Van Lieshout. His output includes series of works such as New Tribal Labyrinth, CryptoFuturism, Technocrat and most recently Disco Inferno.

His oeuvre becomes more complex and cohesive with each new addition. It increasingly constitutes a large, coherent whole, one epic story with countless chapters that interrelate and drive each other forward. The artist himself calls it ‘a saga that will continue to grow until it really can’t anymore’.

Supervisory Board

Emily Ansenk

Lex Geerdes

Mariette Dölle

Anoesjka Imambaks